Friday, July 8, 2016

These Trying Times

It's a chilling commentary that in 2016 we are still being slaughtered ON VIDEO and that the epidemic and crisis of black people dying seems to be something that the larger society sees as the common cold, an unfortunate yet tolerable fact of life. I hope and pray that I and all of my friends and family are spared the brutality and death that seems to lurk around every corner. Life is too short. It's scary that I have no control over when it will be taken away.
I try to remain objective. I don't hate police, I don't hate white people. But to say I'm not fearful of a white cop or any police officer, makes me deaf, dumb and blind to the reality that it "seems" that there has been an unspoken pact made to destroy me. Whether they do or do not depends on the silent swing of the pendulum of fate. Video footage and eyewitness testimony still doesn't tell us enough of the full story. What is going on in the heads and hearts of the victims and those who pull the trigger?


  1. Sad reality we are living , great blog (as always) love u

  2. Thank you for sharing your insights and feelings - excellent as always. And I gotta tell you: I used to only be concerned for my husband, brothers, son and other male loved ones and friends vis-a-vis police overreach and brutality. I count every sistah, including myself, now. The answer to your question is not a simple one, but I do believe that fear-based decisions and actions play a crucial part.

  3. Thanks for sharing! Your words are very sincere and thought provoking. The questions you pose are challenging to answer but I'll offer a few points to start the dialogue. I know many people may not want to hear this but I'm going to say it anyway...... As people of COLOR, we have to do a much better job of raising our children. Now, for most of us, we are doing exactly that and words can't explain the grief that I share with those that have lost loved ones to senseless acts of violence (Black on Black and COPS against BLACK men). To take it a layer deeper, the foundation for peace in this country starts with love and the family. This cycle of violence is nothing short of what our ancestors had to deal with in the past --- it's what our parents/grandparents marched along Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to denounce during the 50-60's. While the leftist media continues to present this issue as one of only BLACK people being killed by WHITE cops, I feel sad that people who are only informed by media are not getting the entire story that's playing out in front our eyes. 97% of law enforcement officers swear an oath to protect the people of this country and do it day in and day out with little to no appreciation for their service. No matter how much the 3% of the BAD COPS are brought to light still does not dismiss the fact that we have to do a much better job at raising our children. Raising them to be respectful to law enforcement or figures of authority, raising them to pay attention in school -- It's actually cool to be smart these days! -- raising them to not become a victim of their circumstances (poor neighborhoods, lack of employment, etc.), raising them to be active participants in their communities, raising them to learn that their ability to vote gives them power and say. All of this mitigates the 3% of BAD COPS that want to kill us! I fully understand the single parent dynamic but this doesn't divorce us as a people from coming together and helping each other out. We must use this mindset to support groups such as BLACK LIVES MATTER. They matter because we as a community working together make a stronger more productive person.

  4. Incredible response big brother. I agree that the family's commitment to raising our next generations to be productive and dynamic is our first and most important mission not only as African Americans but as Americans.
